Costantino Creton is both a CNRS research director within the Soft Matter Science and Engineering Laboratory and the VP research of the ESPCI Paris - PSL. Research is carried out in collaboration with Dominique Hourdet, Yvette Tran, Tetsuharu Narita, Etienne Barthel, Jean Comtet and Matteo Ciccotti and focuses on the mechanical properties, dynamics and structure/properties relationship of soft polymer based materials, such as soft adhesives, rubbers or hydrogels. We have developed several original experimental setups combining accurate mechanical measurements and optical observations.


Soft underwater adhesives based on weak molecular interactions

We recently published a review on underwater adhesives based on weak molecular interactions. (...)

APS Fellow in 2013

The Division of Polymer Physics of theAmerican Physical Society elected Costantino Creton as a (...)

Two papers highlighted on the cover

Two new publications have made the cover of ACS Macro Letters and European Physical Journal E. (...)

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Perspective on Networks and Gels: Soft but Dynamic and Tough

I recently wrote a perspective paper for the 50th annivesary of Macromolecules on the mechanical... (...)

Fracture and Adhesion of Soft Materials: A review

Fracture and adhesion of soft materials:a review
Costantino Creton and Matteo Ciccotti
Reports of... (...)

Nanocavitation in elastomers detected by SAXS

Nanocavitation in Carbon Black Filled Styrene–Butadiene Rubber under Tension Detected by Real (...)

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Open positions

  • join our group ?

    We always seek highly qualified applicants in polymer chemistry, polymer physics or mechanics. (...)

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