APS Fellow in 2013

The Division of Polymer Physics of theAmerican Physical Society elected Costantino Creton as a Fellow in 2013. The citation reads:

For outstanding contributions to the physics of adhesion, fracture and deformation of polymeric materials and nanocomposites.

The Fellowship certificate will be given on march 4th 2014 at the march meeting of the APS in Denver.


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Welcome !

Costantino Creton is a CNRS research director within the Soft Matter Science and Engineering Laboratory of the ESPCI ParisTech. He joined forces (…) 

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Annual Meeting of The Adhesion Society San Diego, USA, February 23-26 2014. Euradh 2014 Alicante, Spain, 22-25 April 2014. Macro 2014, Chiang (…) 

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