Ombeline TAISNE LinkedIn PhD student from october 2021 to december 2024, Thesis Advisors: Jean Comtet and Costantino Creton. Thesis funded by Michelin. Thesis defended on December 5th 2024. Using mechanophores to detect damage during frictional wear of elastomers
Edwige LAY LinkedIn PhD student from october 2021 to november 2024, Thesis Advisors: Annie Colin and Costantino Creton. Thesis funded by Renault. Thesis defended on November 24th 2024. Durability of polyamides in contact with road salts
- 2025 - R&D Engineer at Michelin, Clermont-Ferrand
Gabriel Mello SANTOS LinkedIn PhD student from april 2021 to July 2024, Thesis Advisors: Yvette Tran, Matteo Ciccotti and Costantino Creton. Thesis funded by Saint-Gobain. Thesis defended on July 10th 2024 Adhesion of silane-terminated polyurethanes to glass substrates
Alex CARTIER LinkedIn post-doc from july 2021 to may 2024, Advisor: Costantino Creton. Funded by the ERC grant CHEMECH
Synthesis of new mechanophores for incorporation in polymers
Akash SINGH LinkedIn post-doc from March 2022 to june 2024, Advisor: Matteo Ciccotti and Costantino Creton. Funded by L’Oréal
Development of mechanical test for adhesion and damage of soft layers on flexible substrates
- 2024 - R&D Engineer at L’Oréal
Burebi YIMING LinkedIn PhD student from january 2022 to december 2023, Advisor: Costantino Creton and Zheng Jia (Zhejiang University). Funded by the Chinese Scholarship Council
Ionically conducting elastomers
- 2024 - Post-doc at the SIMM lab
Atul SHARMA LinkedIn post-doc from november 2021 to april 2023, Advisor: Costantino Creton. Funded by the ERC-POC grant Fluodamage.
Mechanophores to detect bond scission in block copolymers and complex network architectures
- 2023 - Post-doc at the University of Birmingham
Flora-Maud LE MENN LinkedIn PhD student from october 2019 to december 2022, Advisors: Etienne Barthel and Costantino Creton. Thesis funded by DSM (Netherlands). Thesis defended on December 16th 2022. Micromechanics of cavitation in confined soft polymer layers
- 2023 - R&D Engineer at Saint-Gobain Recherche, Aubervilliers
Yuanyuan WEI LinkedIn PhD student from october 2018 to October 2022, Advisors: Tetsuharu Narita and Costantino Creton. Thesis funded by a CSC fellowship. Thesis defended on October 5th 2022. Fracture of ultra-soft hydrogels probed by puncture and cavitation
- 2023 - Post-doc, Cambridge University, UK
Zuxiang XU LinkedIn PhD student from october 2018 to september 2022, Advisors: Yvette Tran, Dominique Hourdet and Costantino Creton. Thesis funded by a CSC fellowship. Thesis defended on September 26th 2022. Underwater Adhesion between Biopolymer Model Surfaces and Hydrogels
- 2023 - R&D Engineer at Huawei, Shanghai (China)
Victoria WALTZ LinkedIn, PhD student from october 2018 to december 2021, Advisors: Costantino Creton and Jutta Rieger. Thesis funded by the ERC CHEMECH. Thesis defended on December 14th 2021. Design of novel soft materials and understanding how
soft networks break using mechano-fluorescence
- 2022 - R&D Engineer at L’Oréal, Chevilly-Larue
Jianzhu JU LinkedIn, PhD student since october 2018, Advisors: Tetsuharu narita et Costantino Creton. Thesis funded by the ITN DODYNET. Thesis defended on December 8th 2021. Anticipating crack propagation by detecting dynamic
precursors with light
- 2022 - Post-doc at University of Wisconsin, USA
- 2023 - Research Engineer, Huawei, Dongguan, China
- 2024 - Research Engineer Midea, Hefei (China)
Nassim PUJOL LinkedIn, PhD student from october 2018 to august 2021, Advisors: Matteo Ciccotti and Costantino Creton. Thesis funded by Michelin. Thesis defended on December 16th 2021. Rheology and adhesion of uncured rubbers based on functionalized elastomers for low rolling resistance tyres
- 2021 - R&D Engineer at Michelin
Jean COMTET Website , post-doc from october 2019 to september 2021, Advisor: Costantino Creton. Funded by the ERC grant CHEMECH
Quantitative detection of damage in soft materials
- 2021 - CNRS Researcher at SIMM laboratory, ESPCI
Gabriel SANOJA Web Site, post-doc from april 2017 to april 2021, Advisor: Costantino Creton. Funded by the ERC grant CHEMECH Synthesis and applications of mechanosensitive molecules to investigate bond scission
- 2021 - Assistant Professor at Unversity of texas Austin
Gaelle MELLOT LinkedIn, post-doc from march 2020 to march 2021, Advisor: Costantino Creton. Funded by the ERC-POC grant FLUODAMAGE
Applications of mechanosensitive molecules to investigate bond scission in elastomers
- 2021 - R&D Engineer at Arkema
Louis DEBERTRAND LinkedIn , PhD student from october 2017 to december 2020, Advisor: Tetsuharu Narita et Costantino Creton. Funded by the ERC grant CHEMECH. Thesis defended on December 9th 2020.
Fracture of dual network hydrogels : influence of dynamics on bond scission
- 2020 - Research Engineer at Michelin
Giorgia SCETTA LinkedIn , PhD student from october 2017 to december 2020, Advisor: Costantino Creton. Thesis funded by the LRCCP (Ivry sur Seine). Thesis defended on December 16th 2020 on
Fatigue crack propagation in thermoplastic polyurethanes
- 2021 - Post-doc at Laboratory of Macromolecular and Organic Materials. EPFL, CH
- 2022 - Materials Science & Accelerator Partner Manager, Lausanne, CH
Noushin HASANABADI LinkedIn , post-doc from january 2019 to october 2020, Advisor: Costantino Creton and Jutta Rieger. Funded by BASF
Optical techniques to study damage in soft adhesives in shear
- 2020 - Post-doc at C3M laboratory, ESPCI Paris
- 2022 - R&D Engineer Sabic, Belgium
Xavier MORELLE LinkedIn post-doc from october 2017 to december 2019, Advisor: Matteo Ciccotti et Costantino Creton. Funded by the ERC grant CHEMECH. Optical techniques to study soft materials deformation and damage
- 2019 - Post-doc at IMP Lyon, F
- 2021 - CNRS Researcher at INSA-Lyon
Valentine HERVIO LinkedIn PhD student from october 2016 to december 2019, Advisor: Costantino Creton. Thesis funded by Safran Aerosafety Systems and defended on December 19th 2019. Self-Adhesion and Self- Healing of Polar uncrosslinked elastomers
- 2020 - Research Engineer, Recnorec, Montigny-le-Bretonneux, F
- 2021 - R&D Engineer, Saint-Gobain Recherche, Paris
Ludovic FEIGE LinkedIn PhD student from october 2016 to december 2019, Advisor: Costantino Creton. Thesis funded by DSM (The Netherlands) and defended on December 18th 2019. Introduction of anisotropy in double network elastomers by orientation and two-step curing
- 2020 - Research Engineer, Saint-Gobain Recherche, Paris
Mehdi VAHDATI LinkedIn PhD student from september 2016 to november 2019, Advisor: Dominique Hourdet, Guylaine Ducouret and Costantino Creton. Funding by ITN BIOSMART. Thesis defended on November 8th 2019.
Salt and Temperature Responsive Soft Underwater Adhesives
- 2020 - Post-doc at Institut de Science des Matériaux de Mulhouse
- 2021 - Post-doc at Institut Charles Sadron, Strasbourg
Juliette SLOOTMAN LinkedIn PhD student from october 2016 to september 2019, Advisor: Costantino Creton. Funded by the ERC grant CHEMECH. Thesis defended on September 20th 2019. Quantitative detection of damage in soft materials using mechano-fluorescence
- 2019 - Research Engineer, Saint-Gobain Recherche, Paris
Josh YEH LinkedIn post-doc from september 2017 to june 2019, Advisor: Costantino Creton. Funded by the ERC grant CHEMECH. Analysis of crack propagation and molecular damage at crack tips by optical methods
- 2019 - Research Engineer, 3M, Minneapolis-St Paul, USA
- 2021 - Materials Engineer at Apple, USA
Francisco CEDANO-SERRANO LinkedIn PhD student from april 2016 to , Advising: Costantino Creton, Yvette Tran and Dominique Hourdet. Funding by ITN BIOSMART. Thesis defended on May 13th 2019.
- 2020 - Research Engineer, Saint-Gobain Recherche, Paris
Helen MINSKY post-doc from april 2017 to march 2019, Advisor: Matteo Ciccotti et Costantino Creton. Funded by 3M (USA). Shear failure of pressure-sensitive-adhesives
- 2019 - Assistant Professor in Physics, Carleton College, USA
Artem KOVALENKO LinkedIn post-doc from october 2017 to september 2018, Advising: Alba Marcellan and Costantino Creton. Fracture mechanisms of model nanocomposites
- 2018 - Chargé de Recherche CNRS, Laboratory SIMM, ESPCI Paris
Yinjun CHEN LinkedIn
PhD student from october 2015 to september 2018, Advising: Costantino Creton
Incorporation of mechanophores in soft elastic materials for the study of fracture mechanisms. Thesis defended on september 19th 2018.
- 2019 - Post-doc at SIMM laboratory, ESPCI Paris
- 2020 - Post-doc at TU Eindhoven (Pays-Bas), laboratory of R.P. Sijbesma
Jingwen ZHAO LinkedIn
PhD student from october 2014 to march 2018, Advising: Tetsuharu Narita, Costantino Creton Mechanical properties and fracture of dual crosslink gels with physical and chemical crosslinks. Thesis defended on march 14th 2018.
- 2019 - Post-doc at Shanghai Jiaotong University, China
Thitima LIMPANICHPAKDEE LinkedIn PhD student from october 2013 to november 2016, Advising, Costantino Creton and Jutta RIeger. Synthesis and properties of novel interpenetrated elastomers. Thesis defended on November 14th 2017.
- 2016 - Research Engineer at Michelin (Thailand)
Pierre MILLEREAU, LinkedIn, PhD student from october 2013 to january 2017, Advisor, Costantino Creton , Structure and mechanical proerpties of multiple network acrylic elastomers. Thesis defended on May 22nd 2017.
- 2016 - Research Engineer at Saint-Gobain Recherche
Robert GURNEY LinkedIn post-doc from march 2014 to december 2016, Advisor: Costantino Creton and Anke Lindner, Adhesion between polymer melts at short contact times.
- 2017-2019 Post-doc à Wuhan University (China)
- 2019 Research engineer at Linkam (UK)
Richard VILLEY LinkedIn post-doc from january 2014 to march 2016, Advising: Matteo Ciccotti, Pierre-Philippe Cortet and Costantino Creton Mechanisms and Mechanics of peeling of pressure-sensitive-adhesives.
- 2016- Research Engineer Saint-Gobain, Compiègne
Quentin DEMASSIEUX LinkedIn PhD student from april 2013 to may 2016, Advisor, Costantino Creton Influence of thermal aging on the fracture mechanisms of natural rubber in fatigue . Thesis defended on may 4th 2016.
- 2017 - Research Engineer Ariane Safran Launchers
Christopher KARTOUT PhD student from january 2013 to march 2016, Advisors: Costantino Creton and Antonella Cristiano, Gregory Marque (EDF). Influence of thermooxidative aging on the fracture behavior of EPDM. Thesis defended on march 18th 2016.
Natacha GOUTAY LinkedIn PhD student from october 2012 to january 2016, Advisor, Costantino Creton et Dominique Hourdet, Permeability and adhesive properties of skin adhesives. Thesis defended on january 29th 2016.
- 2019 - Research Engineer at Cohesives
Xavier CALLIES LinkedIn PhD student from october 2011 to december 2014, Advisors: Costantino Creton and Guylaine Ducouret Rheology and Adhesion of Supramolecular Center-functionalized Polymer. Thesis defended on december 16th 2014.
- 2015 - 2016 Post-doc Laboratoire de Chimie de la Matière Condensée de Paris (C. Laberty)
- 2017 - Post-doc Université de Pau et Pays de l’Adour (C. Derail)
- 2019 - Materials Science Engineer at Sherwin-Williams
Jennifer MACRON, PhD student from september 2011 to december 2014, Advisors: Costantino Creton and Dominique Hourdet Hydrogels in water: From macroscopic adhesion to molecular mechanisms. Thesis defended on december 12th 2014
- 2016 - Post-doc Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (S. Lacour)
Koichi MAYUMI , website, post-doc march 2012-march 2014, Advisors: Tetsuharu Narita and Costantino Creton, Mechanical and fracture properties and polymer dynamics of physically and chemically crosslinked gels
- 2014 - Assistant Professor, University of Tokyo, Japan
Chelsea DAVIS, LinkedIn, post-doc march 2012-september 2013, Advisors: Anke Lindner and Costantino Creton Adhesion and interdiffusion on rough surfaces, Tackiness at short (ms) contact times
- 2014 - Post-doc, NIST, Washington, USA
- 2016 - Assistant Professor, Purdue University, USA
François TANGUY, LinkedIn, PhD student october 2009-november 2012, Advisors: Costantino Creton and Anke Lindner. Synthesis and adhesive properties of PSA with a gradient in viscoelastic properties. Defended on June 2nd 2014
- 2012 - Research Engineer at Arkema, Serquigny
Etienne DUCROT LinkedIn PhD student october 2010-december 2013, Advisor, Costantino Creton, Fracture properties of double-network elastomers. Defended on December 11th 2013
- 2014 - Post-doc at New York University, New York, USA with Prof. David Pine
- 2019 - CNRS Reearcher at CRPP Bordeaux, France
Satyam BHUYAN LinkedIn, Post-doc april 2011-september 2012, Advisors: Anke Lindner and Costantino Creton Cracks at the interface between viscoelatsic PSA and solid surfaces
- 2014 - Coloplast, Denmark
Jordan DE CREVOISIER, LinkedIn PhD student october 2008-october 2012, Advisors: Stéphane Roux and Costantino Creton. Experimental measurement of crack tip strain fields in filled elastomers. Defended October 23rd 2012.
- 2014 - Ingénieur d’Etude, Altran, France
Huan ZHANG Post-doc october 2009 - september 2012, Advisors: Ed Kramer (UCSB) and Costantino Creton in collaboration with Michelin. Micromechanisms of fracture of filled elastomers.
- 2012 - Postdoctoral Fellow, Xiamen University, China
Nisita WANAKULE. LinkedIn Post-doc since december 2010, Advisors: Dominique Hourdet and Costantino Creton in collaboration with Urgo. Adhesion of amphiphilic PSA’s for biomedical applications.
- 2012 - Saint-Gobain R&D, Aubervilliers, France
David MARTINA LinkedIn Post-doc october 2008 - september 2010 then Research Engineer from october 2010 - october 2011, Advisors: Anke Lindner and Costantino Creton. Adhesion and fingering instabilities on model rough surfaces.
- 2011 - Research Engineer at the Institut Langevin, ESPCI, Paris
- 2015 - Autoentrepreneneur PhiDM Consulting
Guillaume SUDRE, LinkedIn PhD student 2007-2011 funded by ANR project ADHGEL, Advisors : Yvette Tran, Dominique Hourdet and Costantino Creton. "Responsive Adhesion between hydrogels and polymer brushes". Defended January 18th 2011.
- 2011 - post-doc at the University of California, Berkeley, (USA) with Prof. Nitash Balsara
- 2012 - maître de conférences, Université de Lyon I
Osvanny RAMOS ROSALES, website Post-doc European Project MODIFY june 2009-August 2010, Advisors: Anke Lindner and Costantino Creton.
"Contact angle of viscoelastic adhesives during debonding"
Griffith Guangjun HU, LinkedIn Post-doc ANR project MECHYBRIDES and Vivatech. october 2007-june 2010, Advisors: Costantino Creton and Dominique Hourdet. "Mechanical properties of nanostructured hybrid materials" and "Adhesion of amphiphilic PSA’s for biomedical applications"
- 2010-2013 DuPont de Nemours, Shanghai
- 2013- KemOne, Shanghai/Suzhou
Samy MZABI, PhD student funded by Michelin 2006-2009 "Mechanisms of Fatigue fracture of filled elastomers". Defended on January 27th 2010.
- 2010 - Goodyear Innovation Center, Luxembourg
Elise DEGRANDI, LinkedIn PhD student European project NAPOLEON, 2006-2009, "Mechanical and Adhesive Properties of Nanostructured Acrylic Latexes for Adhesive Applications". Defended on December 17th 2009.
- 2010 - Post-doc at the Laboratoire de Physique des Solides, Orsay
- 2011 - Post-doc at the Saint-Gobain - CNRS mixed unit in Aubervilliers
- 2012 - Maitre de Conférences à L’Ecole Centrale de Lyon, LTDS
Julia NASE: website PhD student 2006-2009, Laboratoire de physique et Mécanique des Milieux Hétérogènes . Advisors: Anke Lindner and Costantino Creton. "Liquid-solid transition from viscoelastic fluid to soft adhesives". Defended on September 21st 2009
- 2009 - Post-doc Universität Dortmund
Sébastien NGUYEN, Post-doc European Project NAPOLEON january 2008-dec 2009, Advisors: Costantino Creton and Mathis Plapp. "Simulations of flows of two phase viscoelastic fluids with phase-field methods"
- 2009 - 2012 Post-doc Saint-Etienne
- 2012 - 2014 Post-doc Ecole Polytechnique
- 2014 - Ingénieur de Recherche, Laboratoire LOCEAN
Chaujean LIN , LinkedIn Post-doc october 2007-november 2009, Advisors: Alba Marcellan, Dominique Hourdet and Costantino Creton. "Fracture mechanisms of silica-filled hydrogels "
- 2010- Sabic Europe, Geleen, The Netherlands
- 2012 - Started her own tea import company
Antonella CRISTIANO ,LinkedIn PhD student 2005-2009 "Fracture by Cavitation of Model Polyurethane Elastomers" Defended on June 8th 2009
- 2009- Saint-Gobain R&D, Aubervilliers
- 2010- EDF R&D, Site des Renardières
Lars SONNEBERG, Post-doc EU project NAPOLEON and DFG fellowship, june 2007-october 2008 "AFM characterization of nanostructured latex particles"
- 2008- Continental R&D, Hamburg, (D)
- 2010- Tesa AG, Hamburg (D)
Jeanne MARCHAL, LinkedIn Post-doc EU project NAPOLEON and N-Shape, april 2007-august 2008 "Mechanical and adhesive properties of films made from nanostructured latex particles"
- 2008- Post-doc at Laboratoire PPMD of the ESPCI with Henri Van Damme and Saint-Gobain.
- 2010- Essilor, St-Maur
Fanny DEPLACE, LinkedIn PhD student 2004-2007 "Adhesive properties of acrylic films made from core-shell latex particles" Defended on April 11th 2008.
- 2008- Post-doc at University of California Santa Barbara (USA) with Prof. Ed Kramer
- 2012-2013 DOW Chemical, Midland, USA
- 2013- DOW Chemical, Freeport, USA
- 2016- RENOLIT, Los Angeles, USA, Sr Polymer Scientist
- 2018 - SK GC Americas, Sustainability Manager
Guillaume MIQUELARD-GARNIER, LinkedIn , PhD student 2004-2007 "Synthesis and properties of hydrophobically modified hydrogels " coadvised with Dominique Hourdet. Defended on December 13th 2007
- 2007-2009 Post-doc at University of Massachussets (USA) with Prof. Al Crosby.
- 2009-2010 Post-doc at the Laboratoire de Physique du Solide, Orsay with Prof. L. Léger
- 2010- Maître de conférences au CNAM, Paris
Tetsuo YAMAGUCHI,Linkedin
, Post-doc april-october 2007 "Modeling and experiments of the debonding of viscoelastic PSA’s"
- 2008- Assistant Professor, Doi’s laboratory, Applied Physics, University of Tokyo (JP)
- 2012 - Associate Professor at Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan
Nicholas GLASSMAKER , LinkedIn Post-doc EU project NAPOLEON, september 2006-september 2007 "simulations of large strain properties of soft polymer films made from latex particles"
- 2007-2017 Dupont central R&D , Wilmington, (USA)
- 2017- Research Scientist, Purdue University, (USA)
Clara CARELLI, LinkedIn Post-doc EU project NAPOLEON and N-Shape, january 2005-may 2007 "Mechanical and adhesive properties of films made from latex particles"
- 2007-2011 Schlumberger R&D, Clamart
- 2011-2013 Schlumberger, Cambridge, UK
- 2013-2017 : Schlumberger R&D, Clamart
- 2017-2018 : Executive MBA, INSEAD
- 2019 - Head of Product Sustainability, Kingfisher, Lille, F
Hélène BONDIL, PhD student 2003-2006 "Mechanical Strenghtening of Coextruded Polymer-Polymer Interfaces through the Formation of a Graft Copolymer". Defended on December 21st 2006. coadvised with Liliane Léger.
Rebecca WEBBER, LinkedIn, Post-doc Bourse Chateaubriand and EU Project NAPOLEON, october 2004-september 2006. "Mechanical properties and fracture properties of hydrogels"
- 2006-2017 Foreign Affairs officer, State Department, Washington, USA
- 2020- Fellow, Center for Governance and Sustainability, UMass, Boston
Haris RETSOS, LinkedIn Post-doc CNRS-DFG project and EU project N-shape, april 2004-july 2006. "Adhesion of adaptative polymer brushes and adhesion of waterborne adhesives"
- 2006- Post-doc, Chemical Engineering Department, Cornell University, USA
- 2009-2017 Ministry of Education, Greece
- 2017- Professor, Athens School of Fine Arts
Régis SCHACH, PhD student 2002-2006 "Self-Adhesion and Adhesion of uncrosslinked Elastomers". Defended on 3rd July 2006
- 2006- Michelin, Recherche et Développement Matériaux Polymères
Gauthier JARROUSSE, LinkedIn PhD student 2001-2004 "Adhesion between Semi-Cruystalline Polymers blow their melting Point". Defended on december 13th 2004. Coadvised with Liliane Léger.
- 2005-2010: L’Oréal, Recherche Appliquée Maquillage, Chevilly-Larue
- 2010-2017 L’Oréal, Recherche Avancée, Aulnay
- 2018- Math Professor, Liceo Frances de Bogota
Alexandra ROOS, LinkedIn PhD student 2000-2003 " Sticky block copolymers". Defended on 1st April 2004
- 2003-2012 Essilor International, Saint-Maur
- 2012-2018 Essilor International, Singapore
- 2019- VP R&D Center for Innovation & Technologies AMERA & China, Essilor, Singapore
Arnaud CHICHE Very sadly passed away on nov 27th 2016 after a courageous fight with cancer, PhD student 1999-2003 " Décollement d’un adhésif mou : fracture et cavitation ". Thesis defended 13 june 2003. For those that knew him here is a highlight (in French) of my correspondence with him over the last months of writing of his thesis. Thesis Story
- 2003-2004 post-doc au NIST (USA)
- 2004-2007 post-doc Uni Bayreuth (D)
- 2007-2013 DSM Ahead, Geleen (NL)
- 2013-2018 DSM Dyneema Business Unit, Geleen (NL)
Claire LAURENS, LinkedIn PhD Student from 1999 to 2002. Coadvised with Liliane Léger. " Rôle de la cristallinité interfaciale sur l’adhésion des polymères semi-cristallins ". Defended on October 16th 2002.
- 2003-2006: Cray-Valley, Verneuil s/Halatte
- 2006-2011 Shell, Le Havre
- 2011- R&D Manager, Linxens
Philippe ZINCK, website, Post-doc Projet Schlumberger décembre 2001-novembre 2002. "Reinforcement of concrete/steel adhesion with a polymer additive"
- 2004 - ATER, Université de Bourgogne
- 2004-2005 ATER, Université de Lille
- 2005-2012 Maître de conférences, Université de Lille
- 2012- Professor, Université de Lille
Anke LINDNER, website, Post-doc European Project DEFSAM november 2001-august 2002. "Experimental study of the adhesive properties of solution acrylic PSA’s"
- 2003- Maître de conférences, Université Paris VI, Laboratoire de physique et Mécanique des Milieux Hétérogènes, Groupe Granulaires
- 2013- Professor, Université Paris VII, Laboratoire de physique et Mécanique des Milieux Hétérogènes, Groupe Granulaires
Josef DOLLHOFER, LinkedIn, Post-doc European Project DEFSAM april 2001-march 2003. "Modeling of the growth of a cavity in a viscoelastic material"
- 2003: Valeo Lighting Systems, Bobigny
- 2008: Suzlon (Indian Company in Germany)
Gwendal JOSSE, LinkedIn PhD student 1998-2001 "From adherence to release with the probe tack test ". Defended on december 14th 2001.
- 2002-2003: post-doc Collège de France
- 2003: Institut de recherche Pierre Fabre, Toulouse
Bernard LESTRIEZ, Post-doc European Project DEFSAM july 2000-aug 2001. " Micromechanisms of adhesion of solution acrylics PSA’s ".
- 2001: Assistant Professor, Ecole polytechnique de l’Université de Nantes, Nantes. Web site
Nicolas PASSADE-BOUPAT LinkedIn , PhD Student from 1999 to 2000. " Fracture mechanisms of confined polymer interfaces ". Defended on november 24th 2000.
- 2001: Total, Centre de recherche de Lacq
Kelly BROWN now Kelly Arnold, LinkedIn Post-doc Chateaubriand Fellow nov 1998-oct 1999. "Micromechanisms of cavitation at the interface between a hard surface and a soft viscoelastic adhesive"
- 2000-2014 : Ethicon, New Jersey (USA)
- 2014- : Principal Scientist, Johnson & Johnson Vision, Jacksonville, FL (USA)
Frédérique KALB, LinkedIn, PhD Student from 1995 to 1998. Coadvised with Liliane Léger. " Adhesion, microstructure and microdeformations at the nterface between semi-cristalline polymers ". (defended on november 18th 1998).
- 1998-2003: Corning, Fontainebleau
- 2003: Schlumberger, Clamart
- 2014-2016 Managing Director Schlumberger Riboud Product Center, Clamart
- 2016-2018 Executive Engineering Director EMEA, Delphi
- 2018-2020 Nexans Group VP Research & Innovation
- 2020- Managing Director Rolling Stock Saint-Ouen
Hamed LAKROUT, LinkedIn Etudiant en thèse de 1995 à 1998. " Micromécanismes de la pégosité des polymères fondus". Soutenue le 9 novembre 1998
- 1999-2001: post-doc Lehigh University & Naval Research Laboratory (USA)
- 2001-2012: Dow Chemical, Midland (USA)
- 2012-2014: Dow Chemical, Houston (USA)
- 2014- : Sr R&D and Safety Director Boral, San Antonio (USA)
Jacob HOOKER, Post-doc Boursier Chateaubriand et Elf-Atochem nov 1996-juillet 98. " Couplage entre les propriétés volumiques et les propriétés interfaciales des adhésifs sensibles à la pression "
- 1998-2000: post-doc Riso, Danemark
- 2000-2005: Philips, Eindhoven
- 2005-2007: NXP Semiconductors, Leuven
- 2007- : NXP Semiconductors, Hamburg