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Costantino Creton is a CNRS research director within the Soft Matter Science and Engineering Laboratory of the ESPCI ParisTech. He joined forces with Dominique Hourdet, Yvette Tran, Tetsuharu Narita and Matteo Ciccotti to form the "Soft Polymer Networks Group" which focuses on the mechanical properties, dynamics and structure/properties relationship of soft polymer based materials, such as soft adhesives, rubbers or hydrogels. We have developed several original experimental setups combining accurate mechanical measurements and optical observations.


See also...

Sacrificial Bonds to Toughen Elastomers

Etienne Ducrot and Costantino Creton of the Laboratory of Soft Matter Science and Engineering of the ESPCI ParisTech in collaboration with Yulan (...) 

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2013 Award for Excellence in Adhesion Science

The USA Adhesion Society is delighted to announce that Dr. Costantino Creton from ESPCI ParisTech has been selected as the winner of the 2013 (...) 

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