International Summer School

The Global Station of Soft Matter, joint research unit between the University of Hokkaido (Japan), the ESPCI and several Universities of North Carolina (USA), organizes from july 31st to August 11th an international summer school on soft matter. The school targets PhD students, post-docs and young researchers.
The program is spread over two weeks and incldues courses on polymer physics, mechanics of soft materials, structural characterization, materials chemistry and rheology. The full list of instructors is in the flyer accessible here.
registration details.


See also...

APS Fellow in 2013

The Division of Polymer Physics of theAmerican Physical Society elected Costantino Creton as a Fellow in 2013. The citation reads: For outstanding (…) 

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1st International Conference on Adhesion in Aqueous Media: From Biology to Synthetic Materials

The European Union’s training network BiosmartTrainee organizes an international conference on adhesion in aqueous media on september 9-12 2019. (…) 

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