2013 Award for Excellence in Adhesion Science

The USA Adhesion Society is delighted to announce that Dr. Costantino Creton from ESPCI ParisTech has been selected as the winner of the 2013 Award for Excellence in Adhesion Science, sponsored by 3M. Dr. Creton is being recognized “for his outstanding contributions to the understanding of the mechanism of action of soft adhesives”.

The award will be formally presented at the 2013 Adhesion Society meeting in Daytona Beach, FL, as part of an award symposium in Dr. Creton’s honor. The symposium will take place at the beginning of the meeting, on the afternoon of Sunday, March 3, 2013.


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Welcome !

Costantino Creton is a CNRS research director within the Soft Matter Science and Engineering Laboratory of the ESPCI ParisTech. He joined forces (...) 

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Annual Meeting of The Adhesion Society San Diego, USA, February 23-26 2014. Euradh 2014 Alicante, Spain, 22-25 April 2014. Macro 2014, Chiang (...) 

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